Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rendering Unto Caesar

imageIt is tax time again. It is interesting to note places taxes are mentioned in the Bible. Citizens were subject to assessment and were burdened with taxes (2 Kings 23:35; Esther 10:1). There was a flat tax (1 Samuel 8:15). People had to borrow money to pay their taxes (Nehemiah 5:4). Some were arrested for tax evasion (2 Kings 17:4). Clergy claimed an exemption (Ezra 7:24). Tax collector’s were not well thought of (Matthew 18:17) and were advised not to cheat others in performing their duties(Luke 3:12-13). By the same token, those paying taxes were not to cheat the government either (Mark 12:17; Luke 20:25). It was taxation (Per capita) that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem at Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1-5). Jesus paid taxes and provided the funds for one of His disciples to pay what he owed (Matthew 17:24-27). He ate with many tax collectors (Mark 2:15) and even called one of them to be His disciple (Luke 5:27-28). A tax collector even wrote one of the Gospels (Mathew 9:9). Taxes have been a part of society for a long time. It is necessary for governments to protect its citizens and provide for the common good, and that is why its citizens are to pay taxes (Romans 13:6-7).