Friday, February 10, 2012


imageAttitude can make all the difference in the world. I understand what a person means not just because of the words they say, but also the way they say it. A stance, or a look can be the difference between night and day in what is being communicated. Words spoken cross and sharp insert attitude in the communication. Words spoken softly and with kindness communicate a feeling, not just information. We seldom speak with just words. Most of our communication is invested with attitude. Dramatic moments in a movie or play take attitude. Tender moments whether spoken in movie dialogue or real life situations elicit tears because they arouse our feelings. The attitude is communicated and we respond in kind.

One of the dangers of attitude is precisely the ability to project your attitude onto another person. Anger directed towards another often arouses anger. Animated people quite often get others excited too. Frustration can be felt and fear in another can cause us alarm. Attitude can be infectious (Deuteronomy 20:8; 1 Corinthians 16:8).  If someone who is cheerful can cheer me up, and if my gloom can make someone else gloomy, then attitude is important.

I must admit, there are times when I let someone else’s attitude affect me in a negative way. By the same token, my attitude has not always been encouraging. Since my attitude can affect others, I want to be positive and upbeat, and at the same time must guard against a negative attitude dragging my own heart down (Luke 6:45). I have been around people who seem to always project negativity. There are those who sour my stomach because I know them to be bitter and angry people. I do not want to be around them and I actually try to dodge them at times.

What if I were so upbeat and positive that instead of letting them bring me down, I brought them up? What if I were to face the onslaught of negativity with a cheerful disposition (Proverbs 15:30)? My aim should be not to tear down, but to build up and encourage. The bible tells my that through the Holy Spirit, I am able to do that (Acts 20:32). Lord, may I not be discouraged by the attitude of others, but may I be a source of encouragement instead.