Friday, March 14, 2014


Christians are called to make a difference in society. They are called to be salt, and light influence(Matthew 5:13-14). Our  life of faith in Jesus Christ should penetrate and illuminate those around us. We should be a positive influence on society. Unfortunately, the influence can also go the other way. Unless we are careful, instead of influencing others for the good, we may be influenced for the bad (Psalm 26:4; 1 Corinthians 15:33). Peer pressure can be a strong persuader, especially if you are in a group. Before you know it you can be following the wrong crowd (Exodus 23:2).

The best way to maintain our witness and influence others for the Good is to keep the influence coming from the right direction (John 8:23). If our influence comes from the world, we will be influenced, but if the flow of influence is from above, we will influence others for the good as a result of our being influenced from above.When the direction of influence is from above, others recognize the source and God gets the credit (Matthew 5:16). Likewise, when you have been influenced by evil, the credit goes back to the source (John 8:44).

You cannot take your cues from the the devil and claim the name of Christ. It is a sham that everyone can see through (Jeremiah 7:9-11). On the other hand, when we are true to the Lord, He is glorified in us (2 Thess. 1:12). If you want to influence others for the good, you have to guard your heart and mind (Proverbs 4:23; Romans 8:6-7). The Bible tells us that only when we are delivered from sin and live by the Spirit can we have our minds set on what the spirit desires. We must no longer conform to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). Then we can influence others because we ourselves have been transformed.