People do not start out in the Christian life with the goal of being halfhearted. If they were apathetic to begin with they would not even bother to start. So what makes people go from new life and spiritual enthusiasm to complacency and decline? One thing that leads to complacency is a shallow view of God’s Word. We begin to look at the Word of God as a literary work much like poetry, and we attend a prophetic utterance much like a literary critic. We admire the beauty of the form, but miss the sense of power that should come with its delivery (Ezekiel 33:31-32). Materialism can also dampen our ardor for God (Hosea 13:6; Mark 4:19). Eternal values give way to temporal desire and we end up giving our soul away for a little bit of nothing (Mark 8:35-37; Luke 21:34; Hebrews 12:16-17). Because our hearts are so easily captivated by other things we must take care to guard them (Proverbs 4:23; 1 Timothy 6:10). Me must put all other loves out of the running and love Jesus alone. Otherwise, it is curtains for us. We can not serve two masters (Luke 16:13). Perhaps that is why Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God with our whole heart (Matt. 22:37). It is wholehearted devotion God wants. There really is no such thing as a halfhearted Christian. That would be a contradiction in terms.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
People do not start out in the Christian life with the goal of being halfhearted. If they were apathetic to begin with they would not even bother to start. So what makes people go from new life and spiritual enthusiasm to complacency and decline? One thing that leads to complacency is a shallow view of God’s Word. We begin to look at the Word of God as a literary work much like poetry, and we attend a prophetic utterance much like a literary critic. We admire the beauty of the form, but miss the sense of power that should come with its delivery (Ezekiel 33:31-32). Materialism can also dampen our ardor for God (Hosea 13:6; Mark 4:19). Eternal values give way to temporal desire and we end up giving our soul away for a little bit of nothing (Mark 8:35-37; Luke 21:34; Hebrews 12:16-17). Because our hearts are so easily captivated by other things we must take care to guard them (Proverbs 4:23; 1 Timothy 6:10). Me must put all other loves out of the running and love Jesus alone. Otherwise, it is curtains for us. We can not serve two masters (Luke 16:13). Perhaps that is why Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God with our whole heart (Matt. 22:37). It is wholehearted devotion God wants. There really is no such thing as a halfhearted Christian. That would be a contradiction in terms.