The abundant display of beauty advertises the glory and majesty of God (1 Chronicles 29:11; Psalm 19:1-2). We can see his very attributes from the beauty of His creation, including His divine nature and eternal power. If we look at the gratuitous beauty around us, we have no excuse for not recognizing God. (Romans 1:20).
God has not left himself without a witness. He has surrounded us with beauty to marvel at, to contemplate and appreciate the kind of God who creates such things. A God of blessing and beauty. The next time you look at a flower; the delicate texture, the fragile petal, the vibrant color, and smell the aroma, let all of your senses take in the beauty and reflect on the glory of the one who scatters such things throughout our lives. Beautiful world. Breathtaking God (Job 42:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17).