Cold and lonely nights on the street. Another abusive confrontation. Bare cupboards and hungry children. From the outside, these situations may look bleak, depressing, and painful. People in the middle of these situations, however, can become numb and desensitized to their plight. To the homeless, it is just another night on the street. To the hungry, missed meals become regular fare. Abusive relationships become the norm. What may be shocking and obvious to others may be no big deal to the one in the middle of it. It becomes normal existence. The status quo, even though tragic, can easily become familiar. The abnormal seems normal.

In the same way sin can become normal to us. We can become used to it. Others may be shocked at the obvious wrong and see the sin and shame, but to the one in the midst of it, it may seem like no big deal. It becomes part of normal existence. No big deal? Sin is a big deal. A REAL BIG deal.
Those who become numb to it accept it as a familiar friend, but they do not realize the tragedy of their situation. The Bible says that sin is a killer (Romans 6:23). The death that comes from sin is not immediately apparent. We are told that sin kills but when we sin we do not suddenly drop dead. We live to sin another day. We begin to think that perhaps sin is not so bad. Day after day, sin upon sin, we become numb. Sin becomes the new normal. Its no big deal (1 Kings 16:31). But the truth is, we are dead (Romans 5:12).
Not until we realize our condition are we able to begin to address it. That is why God wants to wake us up to our condition (Romans 13:11; Ephesians 5:14). God’s word diagnoses us. It forces us to see ourselves as we really are (James 1:22-25). The Holy Spirit brings guilt to shake us out of our stupor (2 Corinthians 7:10-13; Hebrews 3:7-8). To make us uncomfortable with sin. We need to hear the alarms go off. WARNING! SIN IS A KILLER! It is killing you already. hey! You!, HEY YOU! YOU ARE DEAD!!!!
We have to know how bad it is before we wake up enough to ask “what must I do to be saved (cf. Acts 2:37, 16:30)?” Then, and only then are we

ready to hear the good news. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).” We are not ready to hear the good news until we wake up to the reality of the bad news. When we wake up to how big a deal sin is (death is a big deal), we can finally see how big a deal Jesus is (sin washer, life giver). We were dead men walking and didn't even know it. Sin zombies (Ephesians 2:1-2). But God poured out His grace and mercy in Jesus Christ and made us alive (Ephesians 2:4-5). If you are still one of the zombies, it means nothing. It is no big deal. But, if you are one of those who have been made alive you understand what all the fuss is about. Yes, sin is a big deal. But, Jesus is a bigger deal. The biggest deal ever.